
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

24 weeks pregnant & learning to relax

chambray button down: similar || denim maternity shorts: similar ASOS (shout out to awesome friends who loan you cute & perfect summer maternity clothes!:) || tank top: target || glasses: Oliver Peoples

well i am now 24 weeks along with this little pumpkin and she has really made an appearance this past week!  talkin' helloooww baby bump!  still no complaints over here excluding my bulging veins (which i briefly mentioned in my last post) in my legs which sometimes hurt quite a bit after being on my feet all day. so i've been trying to make more of an effort to sit down and prop my feet up, while wearing my ultra chic compression socks(!), a few times a day but i'm not gonna lie, it's hard.  and it's not just because of the two kids who come over immediately once they see me sit down demanding i hold one of them, play with the other and then continue to climb/kick all over me... this is how i imagine it goes in their heads-- "look! mom's sitting down! hey from this angle she looks like she'd make the perfect playground!  quick, lets go climb/beat up all over her!" thanks kids.. it's no biggie, really haha.

but honestly, i think too often i end up feeling guilty for taking just 5 minutes to myself sitting down and resting when i know there are SO many other things i need to/should get done instead.  and it doesn't help that once i'm actually sitting on the couch it makes me realize just how tired i actually feel, which then makes me realize i should make a coffee to get through the rest of the day and as i've mentioned before, it's a whole family affair when it comes to making mom's coffee... Sooo long story short, i'm working on letting myself rest more and telling myself that it's just as important as cleaning the kitchen, putting away the laundry and fetching individual snacks 1,000 times a day.  i think  i'm making some pretty big strides!  the other night i went to Aldi and got a large frozen pizza that we all had for dinner and didn't allow myself to feel one ounce of guilt about it.  i mean- i did steam some broccoli as a side so it wasn't totally unhealthy ;) but still-- little to no clean up, full bellies and time to relax/play after dinner with the kids was pretty perfect.  #itsthelittlethingsinlife

congratulations everyone, we made it through monday!  thank goodness for afternoon target trips which include coffee, cake pops & strolling the toy aisles with friends :) 


*this post contains affiliate links which means by clicking these links i may receive a small commission on some items at no extra cost to you :) 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

ramblings about patience

•my children are both obsessed with "helping" me make my morning coffee.  i love that they want to help but some mornings, on the outside i'm giving them an encouraging grin and dancing along to the sound of the coffee being poured into my mug, but on the inside i'm screaming that they do everything just a taaaad quicker so i can feel somewhat awake & alive after being up since 5:30am.  thank you motherhood for teaching me the need for endless amounts of patience ;) 

mug: Amazon

•if you didn't see my Instagram post-- surprise, baby #3 is a girl!!!
  i went and bought the first of many impulse buys for baby girl this past week from the cutest little children's boutique.  zo was obsessed with the sales ladies and warmed up to them faster than i've ever seen her warm up to strangers!  the whole time i was thinking "umm who's child is this?!" we got her a pair of adorable little Native shoes that she's been wearing ever since we got home!
p.s. how cute are those kerchief bibs ?!  
kerchief bibs: Amazon | Hedgehog romper: Amazon

•summer time in Texas means never going outside past 11:30am unless water and endless amounts of sunscreen are involved.  thankful for the creative engineer that came up with this adorable little splash area at a local park.

•gorgeous peonies, an ever growing bump & curious little hands begging to please buy the "very pretty flowers!"  
oh, and any tips for dealing with seriously bad varicose veins (notice my left leg) during pregnancy?? 

•taking a quick popsicle break before getting back in the pool & sprinkler on July 4th.  notice Zo's lid AND towel, she absolutely hates when her popsicle starts to melt & drip.   ahh the problems you face as a three year old...  
chairs: Target

Monday is over, yayyy!  The hardest day of the week is done!  Praying that your remaining days are filled with nothing but happiness, love & lottttsss of patience.

*this post contains affiliate links which means i may receive a small commission on some items i have listed at no extra charge to you :) 

Friday, July 7, 2017

a peter rabbit nursery

Our Little Peter bunny has had a rough week, especially sleep-wise.  it's all due to some hardcore teething & i'm assuming, an intense growth spurt (at least I'm hoping that's what it is) and the poor kid is just a mess 85% of the day. he was so tired this week he's fallen asleep on the floor drinking his milk before 6pm four different times!  he barely even woke up when i changed his diaper and transferred him to his bed.  our kids are notoriously bad sleepers and this has NEVER happened for him, he usually has to fall asleep in his crib, noise machine on & holding my hand while sing to him over and over again.  

but two nights ago the stars aligned, the heavens parted and PB slept straight through the night!!!  the only time i woke up was to go to the bathroom #pregnancyproblems but the rest of the night was pure bliss.  well, excluding the toddler who comes in every night and takes up the entire bed... and after getting such a good night of rest you'd think PB would be nothing but sunshine & a smiles the entire day but nooo, he was ready to take a nap by 10:30am, and that was pushing it, he wanted to go down around 9! #growthspurt much?! i just had to keep reminding myself all day to be thankful for the uninterrupted sleep i got that night and the beauty that is caffeine. Annnnd then there was last night where i didn't end up getting into bed till 3am thanks to the little man... reminding myself over and over how great that previous night was and wishing there was a way to store up on sleep for later ;)  

so while we wait for this odd little phase to pass, i thought it might be a good time to share this little bunny's room now that it's (mostly) done!

nightstand: i just used an empty white crate i had and stood it up vertically!  this one is pretty similar and i'm loving the rustic finish on it || lamp: similar || yarn wall tapestry: this one was handmade by yours truly but you can find some gorgeous & totally unique ones here on Etsy

oh yeah, the baby in that picture fram is totally not Peter... note to self-- order baby pictures. 

Crib: IKEA || rug: Target || hamper/basket:HomeGoods  

shelf: homegoods Similar || book: amazon
given his name, he's obviously gonna be gifted plenty of Peter Rabbit inspired items and we are not complaining one bit!  we call him "Peter rabbit" & "Peter bunny" all the time so the theme fits :) 

wreath: Magnolia Market  || Peter Rabbit bunny: Amazon   
Peter just adores those little bunnies.  When it's time for bed we'll say-- "go find your bunnies and bring them to bed." He gets so excited collecting them from wherever they are laying around the house and waddles away into his room where he lays on the floor cuddling/hugging them :) 
oh, and fun fact-- that blanket behind the bunnies was Greg's baby blanket. 

changing table: IKEA   

string lights: target 

mirror: target similar  || rocking chair: similar

his "throwing a fit" position.   

wood block sign: Amazon  

so much truth on that little sign... and how cute are those elephant booties my sis crocheted for him?! :)

hope you all have a wonderful & relaxing weekend! 
