
Saturday, August 19, 2017

s m a l l v i c t o r i e s

currently 28 weeks pregnant and feeling all kinds of tired & huge but here's a random little list of small victories/moments that make me smile.  also it helps me procrastinate all the packing i should be doing for our beach trip tomorrow...

•this little gem of zo reading her brother his favorite book

•she is also obsessed with feeling baby kick and move.  at first it seemed to scare her but now she loves it and asks all the time if baby is awake.

•took both kids by myself on a mini vacay/road trip to Waco & Fort Worth to visit family a few weeks ago.   zo had been begging and begging to get to see her cousins for weeks so i finally gave in and made the drive.  getting to see family is always good for everyone, and zo was not ready to come home but eventually she got over having to return to her endless amount of toys and only peter to play with.  she's got a rough life.

•being up for hours in the middle of the night with PB and still somehow managing to make it through the next day, thank you caffeine.

•when it's raining cats & dogs outside but you have to go to target (with both kids) and you realize your rain boots perfectly hide your super cute compression socks #glamourspregnancy
can it just be rainy every day?  no wait--that would just induce cabin fever and that's never a good thing with two littles...
dress: loft similar , similar short sleeve || rain boots: similar

•making it out of target without O N E impulse buy!  i made the mistake of telling this one to greg, his response-- "wait, so every time you go to target you end up coming home with something that wasn't on your list?!"  umm no.  that almost never happens... nope, never.  moving on!

•grocery shopping, *que the music* allll by myselfffff!

this Instagram post where i raved all about our trip to Costco. *spoiler alert* we were in there for less than an hour and left, again, with no impulse buys!

•poor greg was so hoping zo would be his rock climbing child but this girl has the upper body strength of a newborn bird. peter, on the other hand pulls our solid wooden dining chairs out while zo is sitting in one every time she's done eating so she can get down.  sometimes he does this with one arm...  pretty sure that's daddy's futer climbing partner.

•getting allll the laundry done in one day.  i'm talking towels, bed linens, kids clothes & our clothes all washed, dried and folded in  O N E day!  yup, was feeling pretty accomplished that day. 

•counting down the hours  till we leave for our little beach getaway.  still avoiding that packing though...

•currently praying away the snot & cough that peter came down with.  please please feel better by sunday and please please let no one else get sick!

•have a happy weekend everyone! 
